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Short Quick Turns eVideo

by Harb Ski Systems
Price $ 20.00

A detailed, step-by-step approach to making quick short-radius turns.
Quick, short-radius turns are a must for any skier. From negotiating catwalks, to skiing safely in busy conditions, to skiing moguls or trees - the short turn takes you there. This video builds the balance, the edge control, and the tipping that are the components of solid turns. Using the right fundamentals, you'll build a short-radius, parallel turn that will take you where you want to go on the mountain.

Presenter: Diana Rogers, 16 minutes, 672 MB, High Definition, Copyright 2014

*Alternating balance on flat skis and on edges
*Tipping of the free foot
*Counterbalancing the torso in coordination with the tipping of the free foot
*Keeping the free ski close to the stance ski
*Establishing balance on the little-toe edge of the uphill ski ("Super Phantom")

Transferring balance to the uphill, little-toe edge to start each turn...
*Ensures that your skis stay parallel to start the turn
*Gives you earlier engagement, earlier grip, and lets you tip the free foot more quickly to make shorter turns
Tipping the free foot causes the stance ski to turn...
*The faster you tip the free foot, the faster the skis will turn
*The farther you tip the free foot, the higher edge angle you'll achieve with the skis
Leaning the torso opposite the direction of tipping...
*Keeps you in balance over the stance ski even in quick turns

In order to get the most benefit from this video, you should already...
*Link turns on intermediate terrain
*Have your skis parallel for most of your turns
*Have watched and practiced the Tipping, Flexing, and Counterbalancing portions of the Essentials Indoor Introduction eVideo
*Know how to lighten the inside foot and tip it toward its outside edge for each turn (the "Phantom Move"). You can learn this in the videos Anyone Can Be an Expert Skier 1 (more of an overview) or Eliminate the Wedge 1 Engage (more step-by-step).

Related books & videos
*Eliminate the Wedge 1 Engage (eVideo). In this first of the three-part series, you will learn to engage - to finish each turn in balance, with your edges gripping, and your skis parallel.
*Essentials Indoor Introduction (eVideo) presents the Essentials – the component movements of effective skiing – at their simplest, and helps you learn and practice them. Practicing these movements indoors, in front of a mirror or camera, gives you instant feedback for quicker progress once you start to practice on snow.
*Eliminate the Wedge 3 Super Phantom (eVideo). If you have trouble with the "Super Phantom" transition - finding balance on the uphill, little-toe edge to prevent any residual snowplow - then Eliminate the Wedge 3 - Super Phantom is helpful. A lot of skiers do not perceive the need for this until they start to make quicker turns, and then find it difficult to avoid the accidental snowplow at the start each turn.
*Angry Mother 1 Counteracting and Angry Mother 2 Pole Plant (eVideos). Many skiers need to increase their counteracting and develop a new pole plant in order to make really solid short turns. If that's the case for you, then the Angry Mother videos would be helpful...
*Brushed Turns (eVideo). Some skiers have difficulty controlling speed in Short Turns. Too much engagement - grip on the big-toe edge of the stance ski - can make the skis carve and go fast when you actually desire more control. Once you learn the edge control, the balance on the stance ski, and the dominance of free foot tipping from the Brushed Turns video, you'll have much better control of your speed in a variety of conditions and turns.

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Format File Size Suitable devices Specs
720p 672 MB ALL Including tablets, Android phones, iPads, iPhones, TVs and computer monitors H.264 mp4; 1280x720 progressive, 29.97 fps; Target 6 Mbps

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