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Expert Skier 1 DVD

by Harb Ski Systems
Price $ 20.00

Harald demonstrates the simplicity and effectiveness of the Primary Movements Teaching System. Watch the Primary Movements Teaching System in action, from the beginning skier through World Cup levels. Exercises and free skiing segments. This video is effective for learning on its own, or paired with the Expert Skier 1 book. It's ideal for any skier who wants to enjoy skiing with less effort.
This video is a good starting point for all levels of skiers to learn the fundamentals of PMTS Direct Parallel technique.

Presenter: Harald Harb, 40 minutes, 267 or 632 MB, Standard Definition, Copyright 1997

*Learn the Phantom Move - lightening the inside ski and tipping it toward its little-toe edge - in order to link and create turns
*Learn the actions that link turns - Release, Transfer, and Engagement
*Practice the movements individually before integrating them in turns
*See how these movements are used in all conditions by top skiers and racers

*The sequence of Release - Transfer - Engage let you link turns with the least effort and the most grip and balance.
*Focusing balance on one ski per turn improves edge hold and enables the unweighted foot to help with tipping
*Separating the roles of the feet - one for balance, one for tipping - creates less stress on the knees and hips
*To show all skiers how simple, effective movements can be used in all conditions to ski with confidence and control.

In order to get the most benefit from this video, you should already (at a minimum)...
*Link turns on very easy terrain
*Be able to stop

Related books & videos
*Anyone Can Be an Expert Skier 1 (book). If you like to read about technique or want to know more about the background of PMTS Direct Parallel, the Expert Skier 1 book explains what we teach and provides a written path to follow as you learn PMTS technique.
*Eliminate the Wedge 1 Engage (eVideo). In this first of the three-part series, you will learn to engage - to finish each turn in balance, with your edges gripping, and your skis parallel. It introduces the movements that you will use in part 2 to release.
*Eliminate the Wedge 2 Release (eVideo) takes the movements you learn in this first video and shows you how to use them to start turns with your skis parallel. Be able to start turns with ease, where and when you want.
*Eliminate the Wedge 3 Super Phantom (eVideo). Learning to transfer balance onto the little-toe edge of the new stance ski is a key to keeping your skis parallel in quicker turns or more difficult conditions. Using the movements you learn and practice in videos 1 & 2, you'll practice the transfer of balance that is the springboard to short turns, moguls, and ungroomed conditions.
*Anyone Can Be an Expert Skier 2 (book and DVD). Go further along the path of PMTS Direct Parallel. Take advantage of the deliberate transfer of balance to the uphill, little-toe edge as you work on short-radius turns.

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