Alterra Purchase of Arapahoe Basin
Due to the pending purchase of Arapahoe Basin by Alterra, our camp enrollment for '24-'25 will be different than usual. There is uncertainty in whether we will have camps at Arapahoe Basin, at a different venue, or at all.
Each year that we offer camps at Arapahoe Basin, we must have a contract with the resort. We have signed a contract for the ‘24-’25 season with the current ownership of A-Basin. We do not know now if Alterra will honor that contract, and we likely will not determine that until after the sale closes.
We hope that Alterra will see the value of our camps operating at A-Basin and that we will be able to go ahead with the sessions as scheduled and planned. We are evaluating other venues but do not have a firm “back-up” location.
We understand that some of you need to plan your vacation time right away, and that you do so based on enrolling in a certain camp session. This season, due to the pending purchase, we cannot guarantee that the session you choose during the enrollment is going to take place.
We are going ahead with camp enrollment at our usual time of year (early April). Given the uncertainty of next season’s camps, we are charging a nominal amount, $10, as a non-refundable placeholder. As soon as we know the status of our camps at Arapahoe Basin (after the purchase by Alterra), we will be back in touch.
- If the camps will take place at A-Basin, we will email invoices that you can pay online and the remainder of your camp fees will be payable at that time.
- If the camps need to move to an alternate venue, your priority to enroll in those sessions will be based on the order in which you purchased this placeholder on our web store.
- In the event that we do not have any camps, or fewer sessions occur and you are unable to enroll in one of them, your placeholder deposit is not refundable.